Neither me nor my wife - she is the LaplandCrossoverCuisine Chef, by the way! - are anything even remotely close to devoted YouTube fans but every now and then we do stumble on some really great stuff there. This is one of the gems: the holy grail for everyone singing the praise of sour dough bread (or the LCC crazy exquisite, mind blowingly yummy sour dough Nordic rolls - with a twist!). Putting it plain, the way Mike Greenfield does: don't trash your sour dough starter! However, I'd like to modify his statement ever so slightly: don't you dare thrashing your sour dough stater!
Just like MikeG, we love our sour dough bread, for the obvious reasons: it's good for you, no BS yeast needed because it would just mess things up - and the taste & crust is just so super good that nothing else comes even remotely close. We have been baking our own bread since the dawn of time and sour dough bread for many years. However, just like Mike says what he used to do: yes, full disclosure - we have also been thrashing our excess sour dough starter but no more!
Does it really turn out that good, making (almost) instant 'pancakes' out of the sour sour dough starter? We were a bit sceptical but, of course, we had to try it out. Not that we did it exactly the way Mike played it - instead, the Chef also used some other toppings - but my oh my: the result was just crazy delicious! The texture, the mouthfeel, the savory taste.. This is quite simply a perfect appetizer or snack, easy to modify the way you want it, to be enjoyed with some dipping sauce and perhaps a drink of your choice. Whoa! Perhaps we won't be eating this stuff daily, like Mike does, but pretty often for sure :)
I have been watching some of the ProHomeCooks videos - and earlier, BrothersGreen - mainly because Mike has absolutely nailed the delicate mixture of fun but serious and inspiring cooking coaching. The most important part is that he has actually walked the walk, instead of just talking the talk - and his engagement definitely shines through. There are many nutcases making money on YouTube but, luckily, Mike doesn't seem to be one of those guys; it looks like he's more of the opposite kind.
Thanks for the super tasty pro sour dough (starter) tip, Mike!
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