
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Gerber Multi-Plier 600 Bluntnose

The Gerber Multi-Plier 600 series has been around a long, long time and mine is still going as strong as ever. I'm not sure exactly when I got the tool but I do remember that my brother-in-law in the US took good care of my purchase order many moons ago - thanks again Mike! I don't think the present 600 series is exactly the same as my old one but the basic design has hardly been changed at all - probably because it's a well proven one.

Some multi tools can handle almost anything kind of okay but perhaps nothing really well; the MP 600 is mainly a compact, reliable and tough as nails (actually even tougher) pair of pliers that can be used with one hand only. The jaws are hidden completely within the main tool body and 'snap' out - and lock into work position - with a quick and powerful downward shake of the wrist. You really need to grab the tool hard when doing this, mind you, otherwise you could send the precious thing flying and never see it again!

Of course, there are also additional tools within the 600; a knife (that does not lock into position in my old Gerber!), a serrated knife, a file, can opener and a couple of screwdrivers. You do need to get the plier jaws out in order to use any of the other tools, by the way.

I have even taken my Gerber apart completely once - and managed to put it together just fine, amazingly enough - after submerging it in water and not being able to dry it properly afterwards. Yup, it got rusty for sure but the 'old fashioned' design made the cleaning possible even for a non-DIY guy like me.

Very good rating to these compact pliers - but beware the knife that easily folds by accident!

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